Esse Experience

En skræddersyet behandlings-oplevelse på 60-minutter.

Denne skræddersyede ansigtsbehandling udnytter de potente ingredienser fra præ- og probiotika, som forbedrer hudens mikrobielle diversitet.

Behandlingen er skræddersyet til at tage udgangspunkt i din hudtilstand. Efter en detaljeret hudanalyse, vil behandlingen have fokus på at berolige og hele stresset hud, booster kollagenproduktionen, berolige inflammation og styrke barrierefunktionen.

Behandlingen Inkluderer akupressur massage som lindrer stress og spændinger fra ansigtet, fjerner blokeringer af energi, hvilket fremmer afslapning, sundhed og homøostase af huden.

Niveauet af berøring og temperatur i behandlingen tilpasses nøjagtigt til dig og din hud. Du kan også vælge at få en tillægsbehandling, det vil højne oplevelsen.

Skræddersy din behandling

Esse Experience tager udgangspunkt i dig og din hud.



Kold eller varm

Vælg behandlingens temperatur, så den passer til dine præferencer og hjælper med at håndtere hudproblemer såsom aldring og inflammation.



Esse Acupressure Massage

Esse Akupressur Massage er standardmassagen, der tilbydes i denne behandling. Denne behandling kan opgraderes til Esse Lifting Massage eller Esse Anti-inflammatorisk Massage (se nedenfor).

Akupressurmassagens mål er at sikre aktivering af nervesystemet, reducere stress og bekymringer ved et højt niveau af berøring fra terapeutens hænder.

Skræddersyet tillægsbehandlinger

Du kan vælge at inkludere disse tillægsbehandlinger og forbedre din Esse Express.

Massage: Esse Lifting (30 minutes)

This massage targets an ageing skin and uses myofascial release and lifting movements to rejuvenate tired, dull skin while increasing circulation and releasing tension. It delivers instant results with improved texture, plumpness, and a brighter appearance.

The Lifting massage is the perfect addition to your treatment if you are concerned with signs of ageing like fine lines and wrinkles and loss of firmness and elasticity. The firm pressure will allow for deep relaxation within the facial region, releasing tension and allowing for a smoother appearance of the skin. Due to the firm nature of this treatment, it is not indicated for sensitive skins.

Massage: Esse Scalp Tension Release (15 minutes)

Massaging the scalp brings nourishing blood flow to the hair follicles and stimulates nerve endings, which relieves tension of the head. This stress reducing treatment can be added onto any of the treatments and can be done with or without oil.

Massage: Eye Tension Release (10 minutes)

This express treatment has been designed for tired eyes to release tension and strain. This stimulating treatment tightens the eye area using a combination of stone therapy, acupressure massage and lymphatic drainage.

Massage: Esse Anti-inflammatory (20 & 40 minutes)

This massage is focused on calming an overactive nervous system and reducing inflammation by an intense stimulation and activation of the lymphatic system. Ideally recommended for sensitive skins, the application of this massage uses tools and touch to calm the skin.

The 40-minute option is recommended for extremely sensitive skin or highly stressed clients due to stimulating both the lymphatic and parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).

The Anti-inflammatory massage can be used to treat all skin types and concerns, especially those struggling with inflammatory skin concerns like acne, rosacea, eczema and dermatitis.

Massage: Esse Foot Tension Release (25 minutes)

A customised foot treatment including an exfoliation and a relaxing foot massage with a spirulina mask. This add-on treatment is aimed at releasing full body tension through the feet.

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